Areas of intervention

Our areas of interest include:

  • migrants
    Promoting processes of social and cultural inclusion; facilitating intercultural dialogue on the national and international territory; strengthening migrants’ networks and associations on the territories; work and socio-cultural inclusion projects addressed to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, inside and outside reception centres.
  • culture and sport
    Promoting and implementing projects aimed at inclusion, social cohesion and fight against marginalisation through art, theatre, cinema and sports; encouraging a culture of equality and non-discrimination.
  • rights and citizenship
    Promoting activities to raise awareness and spread information about human and social rights; education to active citizenship and community participation.
  • training and long-term education
    Designing participatory training courses focused on sharing experiences, implemented through specific methodologies (e.g. learning by doing); intergenerational exchange of knowledge aimed at promoting the improvement of social connections and development of the local environment.